Newsletter archives - Part 4

Barcodes to Fight Obesity

Why not use barcodes to shift preferences away from unhealthy, processed foods toward whole food choices? We eat what is cheap. Barcodes could change this, just as we tax alcohol and cigarettes. Barcodes could be used to tax unhealthy food choices with revenues recycled to local farmers growing foods in a sustainable manner. With modern…

The Life Force of Foods

If disease has causes, so does health Successful doctors in the future will do more teaching than prescribing. Henry Lindlahr Of the many images that come to mind when we think of food and health, least likely perhaps is the idea of life force. We often judge foods by the calories and macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates,…

Soft Drinks and Children/Teens

Caffeine and soft drinks are not benign, particularly for children and teens with the brain and bones still in the growth and development stage. In recent decades, the greatest increase, some 70 percent, in caffeine use has been by children and teens. Caffeinated sodas are not just the ones that are brown in color such…

Sea Vegetables for Health

Ocean VegetablesAn Untapped Resource for Health, Longevity and Healing Ocean vegetables provide ten to twenty times the minerals of land-based plant foodsthe complete panoply of 56-64 essential minerals and trace minerals required by the body for its many important functionsall in chelated, colloidal forms that are easy for the body to utilize, and in the…

Cooking with Sea Vegetables

Many natural foods cookbooks include recipes using sea vegetables. I have chosen here to use just two sources, Cooking with Sea Vegetables and Sea Vegetable Celebration as a brief introduction to using sea vegetables. Available in simple paperback, these books provide many more interesting and diverse recipes for further cooking adventures. For more discussion see…

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oilthe Most Stable Oil for Cooking and a Aid to Metabolism and Weight Loss Unrefined, extra virgin coconut oil is one of my favorite oil for cooking because, of all generally available oils, it is the most highly saturated. Coconut oil is 90 percent saturated, which means it holds up well to high heat,…

Sprouts for Health

Once any vibrant seeda whole grain, legume, bean, nut, or seedis soaked in enough water for long enough to breakdown its protective phytic acid, germination is started and soon a young plant is born. In its earliest few days, the plant first unfolds as a sprouta tender stem whose job it is to burrow through…

Spring Foods

Foods that attune us to the dry, cold weatherhearty soups and stews; sweet, sticky root vegetables and dried fruits; nuts and seeds; warming/moistening grains (e.g., oats); red meats and roasted marrow bones are warming, sustaining and perfect for winter. But these are also acid-/mucus-forming foods that require a little spring cleaning once winter bids farewell….

Sea Salt and the Salt “Problem”

Sea salt and table salt. All the sea salt in the world, whether found deep within mountain ranges, from salt flats, or evaporated by sun and wind in salt marshes, has its origin in the oceans and seas. Ocean water contains the complete array of earth elements, more than eighty in all. Wateroxygen and hydrogenaccounts…

Quality Sea Salts

The more whole foods we buy and prepare ourselves, the more leeway we have to experiment and have fun with artisanal, hand-crafted, mineral-rich salt, both through cooking and at the table. Because prepared foods explain 70%-80% of the salt consumed by Americans, just cooking meals that emphasize potassium-rich whole foods solves much of the problem….